All In Podcast With Daniel Giordano

64: Dr. Amanda Barrientez of NFA Money & Business Coaching



This episode of the All-In Podcast features Daniel’s conversation with a dynamo money coach who has gone from food stamps to a thriving practice helping people from all walks of life shift their wealth-building paradigm. Dr. Amanda Barrientez shares a bit about the “No F***ing Around” (NFA) philosophy that transformed her from a broke, single mother of three in pursuit of a PhD into a visionary entrepreneur, podcast host and trusted adviser. She’s on her way to meeting her long-term goal to impact 5 million people and run a seven-figure business. Daniel asks about first steps, stumbling blocks and the journey Amanda has taken since abandoning scarcity thinking, quelling her self-critic and latching on to daily strategies that nurture balance and growth. You’ll hear tips and tricks for cultivating joy and learn why it is that Amanda especially dreams of using her teaching skills to support and inspire aspirational women, particularly those who share her Native American and Mexican lineage.