Andy Albright's Move: Principles For Getting The Best Results

Megan Wood: Laser Focused



It’s 6:35 a.m. on a Sunday morning in November when a text pops up on the phone. The message is from Megan Wood, who is scheduled to be interviewed for this article at 8 a.m. She’s asking if the interview can be pushed back to 9 a.m. Why the need to push it back? Her clients always come first, and she’s had a last-minute appointment added to her schedule for the day. There’s two things in this world that Megan Wood is passionate about. Her son, Elijah, who is 5, and her clients. When she was originally asked to do the interview at 9:30 a.m., Wood said no because that would cut into her dialing time … on a Sunday morning! To say she is laser focused is an understatement. Wood has an addictive personality in anything she does. It dates back to when she was diagnosed with an extreme eating disorder at 13. After losing five or 10 pounds, she would find a new way to lose another pound. It was a vicious cycle. At age 15, Wood’s weight dropped to 60 pounds. Her parents, running out of options to help their daughter,