Andy Albright's Move: Principles For Getting The Best Results

Pursuing Excellence



On this episode of Andy Albright's MOVE pod, we get to know Mark Hutcheson in depth. How did he wind up in life insurance? A bad back and a brother who was an insurance agent with State Farm led Mark Hutcheson to The Alliance. Hutcheson grew up in the northern part of Georgia in a middle-class family with 8 siblings (seven boys and two girls). His father was a Baptist pastor and the family didn’t have a television, which meant long hours playing football, basketball and baseball outside. The family moved to Kansas City his freshman year of high school, but he returned to Greenville, S.C. after high school and attended Bob Jones University. He worked as a landscaper in college and hurt his back, forcing him to have back surgery at age 21. His next job was doing electrical work that required physical labor and led to a second surgery at age 30. Hutcheson, who lives in Greenville, S.C., had already decided he couldn’t make a living doing hard labor. Luckily, he found The Alliance in 2011. He was also working par