Andy Albright's Move: Principles For Getting The Best Results

EP44: How To Keep A Healthy Perspective



On this episode of MOVE, Andy Albright talks about keeping the right perspective in your life. Do you have a healthy perspective? How do you view the world? Are you positive or negative about most things? Do you get worked over small things, or maybe you don’t care enough about things that should be a big deal? I’m not talking about what is, but rather what you see and how you view things? Do you have a healthy perspective? Do you understand that life is not fair? Do you realize that the world doesn’t owe you? Nobody owes you anything. There’s not a person on earth that was sent here to exclusively to make you happy. When you realize this and start acting that way you will be better off. @AndySAlbright #TheAlliance #DoTheDo #InsideTheCircle