Andy Albright's Move: Principles For Getting The Best Results

EP38: John C. Maxwell Visits The Alliance at NatCon17



Dr. John C. Maxwell traveled to Raleigh, N.C. on Jan. 21, 2017 to deliver The Alliance's keynote address at #GreatAmericanDreamMachine #NatCon17. Maxwell, a bestselling author and leadership coach, is no stranger to #TheAlliance. Maxwell, the author of more than 75 books, has spoken at several national events and is a friend and mentor to Alliance president and CEO Andy Albright. If you weren't in Raleigh, N.C., grab a pen and notepad to take notes while you listen to Maxwell speak about living an intentional life. A successful life means extra grace will be required. From this moment on, be aware of what you are doing so that you can live an intentional life. Be intentional with your growth in all that you do. Don't just accept your life as it is today. If you just accept things, you will eat a lot of leftovers that other people toss to the side. It takes more than luck to succeed. Everything worthwhile is going to be an uphill climb. That means uphill hopes and downhill habits. An intentional life comes dow