Andy Albright's Move: Principles For Getting The Best Results

EP27: Hey, Hey Listen to What We Say!



Here is the fourth song we wrote, recorded and produced during a crazy leadership meeting in Cabo San Lucas earlier this year. I hope you will listen and see what the final product sounded like. Enjoy! Here are the lyrics to the song ... Hey, Hey Listen to What We Say! Albright provides the leads with speed.  So we can help our clients in need. They say hello and then we go.  Because that is how you earn cash flow.   Policies, referrals and E.R.S.  To help families in distress. When we serve the Alliance nation, we take a lot of great vacations.   Hey, hey listen to what we say.  This is how we do it everyday. Hey Hey we communicate.  This is what makes the Alliance great!   We’re out to recruit the best.  We’ll stay at it without rest We’re looking for the ones who want it!  We’re looking for the ones who won’t quit.   We’re not afraid to put in dials.  We’re not afraid to put in miles. We go out there to learn who they are.  We give our all to make them a star.   Hey, hey listen to what we say.  This is how