Andy Albright's Move: Principles For Getting The Best Results

EP23: Dream Big, Start Small



People talk about all the things they are going to do. They want to make a million dollars. At the end of the week, nothing has happened. Too many people have all these hopes and dreams, but they don't act on it. I'd like to encourage you to do this: Dream Big, Start Small! Start by doing one thing. When that gets done, start another task. Before you know it, bigger things will start happening. Keep working on your belief level, but get going now. Start where you are ... right now. Call somebody. Set up a meeting. Do something. Do one thing. Don't minimize the one thing. That's what holds people back. When you get the one thing done, start another thing. Do it until it becomes a habit. Watch your words. Speak the truth. Avoid drama. Don't be negative. Be mindful of everything you say. Think before you speak. It will make a huge difference in your life. Be simple. Be clear. Start making small changes. You don't have to explain everything. Don't cut out everything, but let's reduce some things we know we need t