Andy Albright's Move: Principles For Getting The Best Results

EP12: Clear Up Confusion



Do you encounter confusing situations in life? Do you need somebody to remind you of what is really going on? Listen to what people say and then watch what they do. Do their words and actions line up? If they don't, then that person has a problem. That is what confuses people. It doesn't make sense. You have to do what you say and say what you do. They have to line up. If they don't, people are not going to listen to you and they aren't going to follow you or move when you want them to move. If you are what you say you are then people will follow you. If you say you are going to make dials for four hours then you better do it. If you say you are going to be on time for an appointment, be on time! It's simple, but people need to be reminded of this. Make sure your words line up with you actions. Be very clear in what you say. Be very clear in what you do. Make sure your words and actions are the same. People will notice it and they will remember it.