Andy Albright's Move: Principles For Getting The Best Results

EP03: 3 Things To Complete A Task



We all face obstacles or what I like to call challenges. Hey, that’s what life is: a series of challenges. It happens every day. When you are facing something or you have a problem you are dealing with, you can do three simple things to help find a solution. Maybe you want something. Maybe you are about to lose something. Either way, there are three things you must do. This is simple and it will change your life. Those three things will make all the difference in the world. When you’re in a situation, you’ve got a project you need to accomplish, when you are upside down and somebody’s on you, when you are facing insurmountable odds, those three things are what you need to always think about. Whatever it is, you use those three things and it will help tremendously. This is big and life changing even though it sounds simple. That’s how I think and that’s how I operate. I check my thinking by asking people. I find something in a book that applies to what I’m dealing with and trying to accomplish. I figure out wh