Deconstructing Dinner

Exploring Ethnobiology III / Investigating Eggs Update



Exploring Ethnobiology III In May 2010, Deconstructing Dinner travelled to Vancouver Island where two international conferences on ethnobiology were being hosted. Ethnobiology examines the relationships between humans and their surrounding plants, animals and ecosystems. Today, more and more people are expressing an interest to develop closer relationships with the earth. This leaves much to be learned from the research of ethnobiologists, and in particular, from the symbiotic human-earth relationships that so many peoples around the world have long maintained. On this part III of the series, we listen to two presentations that share research into the relationships between indigenous peoples and marine life in what is now called British Columbia and Alaska. Investigating Eggs Update Also on the show - an update from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to our September 2 investigative report on alleged local food fraud. Guests/Voices Severn Cullis-Suzuki, masters in ethnobotany, School of Environmental Studies