Deconstructing Dinner




How are 98% of eggs in British Columbia produced, and what other methods compose the remaining 2%. We discuss the state of the egg industry in this province and investigate into the methods of education the industry utilizes to inform the consumer. Guests Bruce Passmore - Farm Animal Welfare Coordinator for the Vancouver Humane Society, Coordinator of the Chicken Out Campaign, a joint effort between the Humane Society and the Canadian Coalition for Farm Animals. Fred Reid - Olera Farm in Abbotsford. Member of the Certified Organic Associations of British Columbia, and you may recognize the name as a key opponent in the heated debates that took place in this province only a few years ago between organic egg producers and the BC Egg Marketing Board Karl Hann - Biota Farm in Abbotsford, biodynamic farmer and egg producer. Green Party candidate in the Abbotsford riding during the 2004 federal election. Karl was born and raised in Romania and has been living and farming in Canada for 20 years. Maria Castro - Quenn