Blueprint Your Career Podcast With Angela Hemans

Jared Easley Shares Why Taking Action is Important



You can get everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." ~Zig Ziglar   Jared Easley is a self-described “everyday guy” who is passionate about connecting with others, communicating, leveraging new media & cultivating a community of like-minded citizens. He is married to his amazing wife Rachel & they have a beautiful daughter named Lana, and they live in South Florida - I found Jared though his podcast which I found motivational and the guest he had on the show I found myself relating to some fears I have with starting this podcast. After reaching out to congratulate him on the show and a few conversations later, I finally got the nerve to ask Jared to be on my show.  Jared Easley Twitter: @jaredeasley  Topics Discussed How "Starve the Doubts" podcast came to fruition. The importance of taking the first steps to achieving your goals. Jared talks about what is a podcast and the benefits of starting your own or listening to podcast. Why