Blueprint Your Career Podcast With Angela Hemans

Lorane Gordon Share With You, Happiness Your Way!



“A person Who Appreciates ‘What Is'  Is A Happy Person."     Inspirationalist Lorane Gordon, a major manifester herself and an expert in the field of Law of Attraction and Present Moment Awareness is once again bringing her dynamic, loving and inspirational teachings to the world. Lorane Gordon is a wife, a mother, a teacher and a seeker. Since the age of thirteen, she has traveled the world studying and meditating with enlightened masters. She made the transition from “seeker” to “finder” when she realized that all spiritual paths lead to the present moment: NOW. After a 10 year period of reevaluating her message, she has burst back on to the scene stronger than ever. Lorane gives you the tools you need to manifest the life of your dreams and to live in joy in the only moment there is, the present moment.   In This Episode: Lorane Gordon discusses how happiness can be a major factor to your overall success in life and your career. She shares how being a life coach has been a life long journey and one she c