Creator's Block

The Anti-Productivity Mindset: How Doing Less is Doing More



With the impending holiday and the time away from the office that may require I know I am not alone in saying I am feeling stressed out, under water, and *pause for dramatic effect* burnt out. Every morning I wake up and will myself to be as productive as possible just to make it through the day, but turns out this may just be part of the problem. Professor Christine Seifert writes, “A productivity mindset is … problematic when the relentless quest for it results in burnout. Studies show that putting in too many hours is bad for our health, bad for the bottom line, and bad for workplace cultures in general.” But our jobs rely on the bottom line. On results. On revenue. So, what can we really do? Join Justine and I as we chat about adopting an anti-productivity mindset and how to implement it.