Creator's Block

The Life Changing Magic of Brain Dumping



Many of you have probably figured out by now that the goings on inside my head are generally utter chaos. This is part of what makes me the complete organizational/neat freak (read: control freak) that I am. Growing up (especially through my college years) I started to become acutely aware of how much I was being distracted by my own thoughts. It wasn’t Facebook, TV, or video games that was drawing me away from my responsibilities. In fact, it was fears, thoughts, and anxieties about my other responsibilities. Once I figured this out, one of the first things that helped me tremendously was taking notes and especially making lists. If I was trying to focus on something and another thought invaded my head, instead of giving it its day in court right then and there I would quickly jot it down. Knowing that it was written down, to be reviewed later my brain would let me get back to the task at hand. Over the years my different practices to control my thoughts have evolved and changed, each of them helping me i