Creator's Block

Exploring the Toxic Myth of Fearless… Anything



Last week our VP of Sales, Brie Rangel wrote an awesome article called “The Toxic Myth of "Fearless" Leadership”. (Which, if you haven’t read it yet, you totally should. In it she talks about the pressure to appear “fearless” in the face of stress, change, and adversity, particularly in a role of leadership. Brie writes, “...leaders are often expected to present an air of fearlessness. We’re supposed to show no signs of weakness or worry. Basically, we’re supposed to be robots. But that's not real life. If we continue embrace fearless leadership as an ideal, we're setting ourselves up for failure. Fearless leadership doesn’t exist.” But this got me thinking. The pressure to be fearless isn’t just found in leadership. It’s literally everywhere. Many of us face the pressure to put on a brave face and tackle our problems head on daily. But Brie is totally right, we’re not robots it’s unrealistic. If I know anything about myself, it’s that in times of stress or struggle, if i’m not being mindful about how I rea