Creator's Block

Do You Really Want That Promotion?



With IMPACT growing and changing so quickly comes many new roles and opportunities for advancements, changes, and promotions. Which of course makes many of us here wonder are we ready for a new role? Is this the career path I want? If I don’t put myself up for consideration will it reflect poorly on me? I have personally struggled with this as a designer. I know that moving up in the ranks as a designer means you may not be as hands on as you would like. You may be spending less time physically designing and more time taking care of the administrative side. Is the trade-off worth it? Will this fulfill my creative passions? And the most important question... will I still be HAPPY in my job? When you’re up for consideration it can stir up a lot of feelings and internal monologues that you may not necessarily have the answers to. Join us this week, as Justine and I try to tackle that inner monologue and discuss how to make the best decision for a career move.