Creator's Block

The Lie of Not Having Enough Time



I don’t know how it happened, but I sneezed and somehow we’re now weeks away from the end of yet another quarter -- and not just any quarter. The second quarter. Which means we’re almost halfway through the entire year. WHAT?! While I’d love to say that I’ve got all my ducks in a row, and all of my plans to "crush my goals" or whatever are going along swimmingly, I would be lying. Here’s the thing though. Now that the finish line is in sight, I’ve noticed a lot of people saying, “I don’t have time for this, I don’t have time for that” -- myself included, I’m not immune -- in a way that makes me wonder if that’s really the case. Do we really not have enough time?  It doesn’t matter if it’s crunch time or a slow down period, time is a commodity that’s always in short supply. And while there are definitely instances where I genuinely, in good faith, do not have the time I thought I would have, I don’t think we’re always willing to admit with how much control we do have over our own schedules. If I'm being honest