Creator's Block

How to Adapt When Big Changes Happen at Work



We’ve talked about change before in the big, global, life-quaking kind of way. Switching careers. Going to a new company. Starting a family. Moving. But today, we’re going to address a different kind of change that's specific to the workplace. Where you’re not moving, changing your life, or pivoting your career by choice. Instead, you’re going about your business one day at work, and suddenly change starts happening to you and around you -- without warning. These can be little changes, like a new process or a new hire you didn’t expect. Or they can be bigger, like mergers or internal restructuring in responsive to rapid, positive growth. It’s a bit of a different mental state, because in those moments, it can feel like things that are outside of your control. You were fine with how things were going at work -- or maybe you weren't, but you at least wanted to be consulted on the solution.  The challenge is that even when those changes are good, change, by its very nature, is disruptive. So, your knee-jerk reac