Creator's Block

How to Get Back Up When You Fail



This is going to be an emotionally honest episode, because I went into it feeling both motivated and excited, but also somewhat defeated.  On the one hand, it's the start of a new quarter. And during our team meeting yesterday, we talked about new objectives, new processes, and all of those great “turning over a new leaf” feelings. The kind of stuff that makes you feel refreshed and ready to take on the world. On the other hand, the end of last quarter, which concluded last Friday, ended in… well, failure. Quite a bit of it. And I was still emotionally licking my wounds. It was a shame, too, because, in the months, weeks, and days leading up to the end of the quarter, I was energized about what I was working on. I felt positive about it. But then, on Tuesday, things began to unravel.  By Friday evening, I felt like I had just survived a Michael Bay movie. (Unfortunately, not in the, "I saved the world!" kind of way. In the, “My home that I just remodeled was blown up by aliens or evil robots from space,” kind