Creator's Block

Growth-Driven Design: Is It Really Better or Just a Different Kind a Pain?



Last week, I devoted close to two days of my life revising, refining, and reworking the copy for a new piece of pillar content that will be launching later this week. It was all about growth-driven design. As a content and inbound marketer nerd, I've always understood the high-level value proposition of growth-driven design. "The traditional website process is costly, painful, and out-of-date. Growth-driven design is agile, better, leaner, meaner, etc. It's the future of website redesign, because it's built on a framework of continuous improvement." This all sounds amazing. In theory. But as I continued to work through the content, I couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed by the demands of growth-driven design, especially given that sometimes it's put forward as a less painful website redesign approach. You need to create your strategy. You need to research your users. You need to create what are called fundamental assumptions. You need to create a wishlist. You need to prioritize that wishlist.  You nee