Conversations With Samantha &

Love It or Leave It - Melissa Hemsley



On this episode of Love It or Leave it Samantha Clarke interviews Melissa Hemsley about her work as a self-taught chef, food columnist, best-selling cookbook author, real food activist and sustainability champion who is passionate about spreading the power of feel-good food. Listen as Melissa discusses ways to reduce your food waste and food tips for busy lifestyles.   Quote -   Melissa Hemsley - The good parts that have happened in the last 10 years have happened because I’ve really taken a step back at key moments and gone what kind of life do I want to have and will that make me happy.   Timestamps:   3.11 - Why food? Why eat green? 7.54 - Melissa’s new book and the sustainability message within it 13.16 - How do we embrace this energy of experimentation and trying? 23.13 - How can we shop so we are not creating the waste in the first place? 35.39 - What do you think of workplaces where they offer all meals? Does it encourage us to think of food in the right way? 36.57 - What do you think we should love or