Storystash Books

Chapter 12 - The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim



Chapter 12 brings with it the end of the first day at San Salvatore and the bringing together - for the first time ever – of the four ladies who will share the next month together. On this evening, personalities begin to emerge and interactions set the tone for their upcoming evening meals. We know Mrs. Fisher has issues with Mrs. Wilkins - and that Mrs. Wilkins doesn’t even notice - but what about Scrap? It’s the first time, really, she’s interacted with anyone other than Mrs. Fisher and the range of personalities laid out before her is at once intriguing, horrifying and mystifying. And then of course there’s the announcement from Mrs. Wilkins - that only Rose any idea about - and that adds extra spice to everything else. Just a quiet night at the castle, that’s all....  Join me for Chapter 12 of The Enchanted April