Storystash Books

Chapter 9 - The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim



This week we get to spend some time with our girl Mrs. Fisher. Well, to be more accurate, the older, distinguished, somewhat uptight, opinionated, stuck in the past Mrs. Fisher. When I'm reading her internal thoughts I think it's easier to understand her refusal to accept anything new and to only value the old. If you happened to encounter Mrs. Fisher in real life (unless you were one of her approved, elderly friends) it is inevitable that you would hear comparison and disapproval. From within her mind though, yes, there is still comparison and judgement but the added appeal of charming memories, made only sweeter by the passage of time. Remember the games you played as a child, your favorite songs, the best ever television shows or that simple but special family trip you took? Well, take that and add in all the venerable authors and poets that defined the zeitgeist of the time. (I had a psychology professor who's favorite word was zeitgeist - I wouldn't know the word otherwise, but because of him, I will nev