Storystash Books

Chapter 4: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim



This week’s chapter is short but effective. You know how there is always a swirl of fear and anxiety right before you take off on a new adventure? Something about changing the pattern of your life that calls down the ravaging doubt storm? I have recently begun to realize that my doubt storms often mean I am actually on the exact right path. Something deep within me recognizes that if I take the very step I’m questioning, it will change me (hopefully for the better). What is it about having the boring, life-sucking processes of our lives threatened that causes us to take stock still and question if the dream we’ve been yearning to step into has any real value at all??? We're about to find out. To say that Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Arbuthnot have called down a doubt storm is putting it mildly. And yet, I don’t know any other way they could have stepped out of the deep monotonous trenches in which they had been ensconced. Necessary; difficult; and takes them one step closer - the last big step - toward their dream