Pitching Pr

027: 7 Steps for Sustained Success in 2019



It’s the time of year when everyone sets resolutions. In this episode Justine Clay and I discuss how everyone can set attainable business resolutions for the coming year. Justine Clay is a speaker and business coach for creative entrepreneurs and freelancers. Tune in to hear her thoughts on improving your business the seven steps for sustained success in 2019. Topics: Justine’s winding career path. The importance of setting goals. Why January is a great time for goal-setting. Knowing why you want to change. Assessing your habits. Why your ego is a problem Ways to take action. This podcast is courtesy of Pitch Graphic Design, a Toronto based firm, whose goal is to provide quality graphic designs for Public Relations. If you would like to get in touch with Pitch, please fill out the contact form. Quotes: “In order to grow you have to look in the dark spaces.” -Justine Clay Resources: Justine’s Website Justine’s Email List Pitch Graphic Design on Instagram