Pitching Pr

023: Financing A Freelance Business



Shannon Lee Simmons is a CFP (Certified Financial Planner), CIM (Chartered Investment Manager, media personality, and founder of the New School of Finance. As the Author of Worry-Free Money, Shannon is considered a trailblazer in the Canadian financial planning industry. Today, we discuss the financial aspect of being a PR freelancer and/or agency owner. Tune in to hear her great insights! Topics: The New School of Finance How to financially plan for running your own business Opportunities for professional development How to finance professional development Pros and cons of hourly and flat rates The importance of keeping and organizing receipts How to bill appropriately Understanding business taxes The big mistake all freelancers make This podcast is courtesy of Pitch Graphic Design, a Toronto based firm, whose goal is to provide quality graphic designs for Public Relations. If you would like to get in touch with Pitch, please fill out the contact form. Resources: New School of Finance Shannon’s Website Wo