Cybersecurity Sense

Why Employees Are Your Number One Risk



The question is not, “Will your employees will get your company hacked?” but rather “When will your employees get your company hacked?” A recent article from HITECH Answers highlights this sad reality of human-error being the most common reason for a cyber intrusion and data compromise. So, while employee actions can circumvent most every security control you have invested in, security awareness training is critical to prevent your employees from being your number one risk. Users are often the last line in your cyber-defense efforts, and there is no patch for people wanting to be helpful or wanting to do the right thing. In this podcast, LBMC Information Security’s Bill Dean explains why ongoing employee security training is crucial to ensuring employees know how to spot a hacking attempt, ultimately protecting your organization from a potential cyber-attack. Listen, and discover these key takeaways:  Reasons why employees often do not realize how important they are to the process How not enabling multi-fact