B&h Photography Podcast

The Mirrorless Divide—Fuji is for Artists, Sony is for Pros?



With deference to Linda Richman, today’s podcast offers its version of the 'Coffee Talk' skit from Saturday Night Live—Fuji is for Artists/Sony is for Pros… discuss! We realize, of course, that any camera—used well—can be for professionals and for artists and that artists can be pros and vice versa; we’re not so naïve as to think otherwise. Given the parameters of the topic, however, we take on this idea in a conversation that touches upon the marketing for these high-end mirrorless cameras, who is actually using them, and most important, their feature sets, lenses, and system accessories. Three of our most trusted in-house experts join us to discuss their experiences with the Sony a7 series and the Fujifilm X series cameras as we attempt to clarify the most appropriate applications for each camera line. Now, I’m getting verklempt…so talk amongst yourselves. Guests: Shawn Steiner, Justin Dise, Todd Vorenkamp