Living Villa Cappelli

024: Thanksgiving Italian Style — turkey in a brick oven and NO pasta!



How do they celebrate Thanksgiving in Italy? Well, they don't. But WE do! So we invited a bunch of friends and family to join us for an American Thanksgiving here at Villa Cappelli. They were all terrified to come as there was no pasta on the menu, but.... Topics we cover Paul's new favorite drink for winter, a Manhattan Why we say the "locusts have descended" when the Italians come to eat Thanksgiving here How the turkey here in Italy broke our first oven A telemarketer calls, and we reveal our experience with them in Italy Just how big the turkeys are here in Italy Why Paul prefers I call our pizza oven a brick oven How the turkey cooks in the pizza...oops, brick oven Paul vents a little about his mother, like all Italian sons who love their mother The range of people we had this year How the Italians were afraid to come as there was no pasta on the menu How we arranged the buffet using makeshift heating trays Our challenge with cranberry sauce and how we made it this year with dried cranberries. Here's th