Russ And Randy Podcast | Healthcare's Prescription For Web & Social

Every Website Should be a Blog



Every website should be a blog.  Period.  Is yours?  Blogs were initially a fad, but the ability to easily add content, the basis of SEO, has established their value as the best website platform.  SEO is based on content. Blogs, aka content management systems, are best suited for SEO and the search engines. Themes/Design of a blog can now be changed easily with a click.  No more custom coding.  No more expense.   In other words, putting your website on a blog platform allows you to maximize your ability tor get your website ranked and still have a 100% customizable website.  It's the best of both worlds. Russ and Randy #healthcarepodcast Thanks for listening. See you next week!  If you have a question or comment, please ask here or on our website. Please download us at iTunes and leave a review. All the best! Russ…and Randy Healthcare and Medical Internet Marketing Healthcare’s Rx for Web and Social