Russ And Randy Podcast | Healthcare's Prescription For Web & Social

3 Tips to Easily and Quickly Create an eBook



Creating your eBook can be easy.  Just "copy and paste."  If you are ready to write an eBook, we are assuming you have a website.  Use the content from your website/blog to create your eBook.  We discuss 3 simple steps to identify the "right" content and how to easily use your existing content to create your eBook.  What's more, there's no need to re-write your existing content.  Just "copy and paste." Russ and Randy #healthcarepodcast Thanks for listening. See you next week!  If you have a question or comment, please ask here or on our website. Please download us at iTunes and leave a review. All the best! Russ…and Randy Healthcare and Medical Internet Marketing Healthcare’s Rx for Web and Social