

Both Russ and I are physicians who independently wandered into Internet Marketing over the past 10 years. Russell Faust, MD, PhD is a pediatric ENT surgeon and I (Randall Wong, MD) am a retina specialist. In this episode we talk about ourselves and how it is that two physicians are collaborating to create a podcast on Healthcare and Medical Internet Marketing. Though we preach about the About Page, we have neglected to be fully transparent about ourselves...until now. About Russ The condensed version is that Russ became annoyed with patients arriving in his office with reams of health MIS-information from Dr. Google (the Internet).  His mission was to provide his own information about pediatric ENT health maladies on his own website, In a short while, he was noting traffic ranging from 20-30k per month.  Using his experience, he forged into the Internet Marketing world, first helping friends and the like and found his niche in brand strategy for healthcare systems. Russ may be contacted by v