Fit & Nourished Mind With Emily Gough And Kate Hoerner

044 - Reset Your Money Mindset



Have you ever thought about your relationship with money? What does being "rich" mean to you? How much do you really need, and how much do you want? If you could make X dollars per month, what would your ideal number be? Do you have a good understanding of personal finances, budgeting, saving, investing, etc? We dive deep into money mindset in this episode because lately we have been realizing how little we think about these things (and how much we should). We each have our own money story. Some of us always feel "broke" and feel like making money is just too damn hard. We never have enough and we're always down to our last dollar. Sometimes we feel like wanting money means we're being greedy, and we need to pretend like we're happy where we are. All of these feelings stem from issues with deeper roots, and that's what we talk about in this episode. We get into our own money stories, and how understanding them has helped us move forward in a better financial direction. Once we figure out where our money issue