Sales Integrity

51: "Ask-the-Coach" Q&A - Does Social Selling Compete with or Complement Referral Selling?



"A referred customer spends 13.2% more than a non-referred customer." [Source: Journal of Marketing] On today's Sales Integrity Podcast episode we try out a new format - "Ask-the-Coach" Q&A. I receive questions from time-to-time from my listeners and will start answering them on the podcast so all listeners can benefit from the coaching advice. Today's question comes from Brian Childers, President of Comport Consulting Group. Brian asks: "Sean, can you discuss the changing landscape of leveraging social media selling as it relates to referral selling?  Specifically, it has been proven that more people will buy from a personal referral, either direct or indirect via a trusted resource/friend, versus cold-calling, mass marketing, etc.  As a professional sales coach and industry expert, how do you see these either competing against or complementing each other?" If you are wondering the same thing then you will want to listen to this episode to find out my answer!