Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

How To Strengthen Your Immunity - Part 2 [Episode #7]



“To vax or not to vax?”  Maybe that’s NOT the question… The question of whether or not to vaccinate is an age-old dilemma.  There are convincing arguments on both sides, aren’t there?  Nobody wants their kids to have to get sick… and by the same token, can we ever really be 100% sure that vaccinations are not going to cause even bigger problems for our children?  As frustrating as the lack of long-term research on the subject is, the one thing we can educate ourselves around is exactly how our immune systems work and what we can do to keep them functioning at their best.  When we do this, we can be sure that whatever we decide, as pertains to vaccinations, our immune systems have their best fighting chance.  You will hear us say again and again that approximately 85-86% of the immune system is located in the gut.  It is the beautifully orchestrated system made up of two arms of immunity: the cell-mediated response and the humeral-mediated response—and they both begin in the gut, a porous world between the ins