Handbag Marinara: The Food, Fashion, And Fun Of Friends

TOW David Schwimmer Looks Super Buff in a Tiny T-Shirt



02:20 — John Legend as a sex symbol John Legend's Christmas album 04:46 — The Mississi-Pete Mudslide Jeni’s Darkest Chocolate ice cream 07:00 — How to properly eat ice cream 08:50 — David Schwimmer’s hot dad bod 16:30 — Does voice recognition account for accents? 18:08 — Covering up your body/face when you don’t want to be bothered 22:02 — Trying to convince Heather to move to Maryland 23:33 — The endless debate about sharing a chip bag (or pouring chips into a bowl) 26:27 — Armchair Expert - Brene Brown episode 33:40 — Ross not wearing an undershirt weirds Elizabeth out 34:53 — ASMR videos — earbuds make a huge difference 35:47 — Giving your ex their things back - awkward! 39:48 — David Schwimmer looks HOT in that tiny t-shirt! Shop the Show - Frankie Say Relax t-shirt 43:33 — Pete being a gentleman/our respective SOs asking for their first kiss — ultimate consent!  48:57 — Joey calling Kate a b***h — over the line? 51:17 — Is Ross’s “peep eye” reaction because Rachel’s moving on, or because she’s moving on