Boys In The Cave

Episode 63 - Love, Family & Marriage | Shaykh Yahya Ibrahim



Relationships, Nafs, The Youth, Family Ties and much more! We touch on all these diverse topics with Shaykh Yahya Ibrahim. Shaykh Yahya Ibrahim serves Head of Islamic Studies & Asst. Principal at Langford Islamic College, Senior Imam at Thornlie Mosque, Islamic Chaplain at Curtin University & the University of Western Australia and lecturer for the internationally acclaimed al Maghrib Institute. Imam Yahya is a Minister of Religion, empowered to officiate marriages for the Australian Islamic community. He is Canadian by birth, Egyptian through ancestry, Turkish via marriage, and Australian by choice of residence and migration. His religious training began in Toronto wherein he committed the Quran to memory & studied Fiqh/Jurisprudence upon the principles of Imam Shafi’ee’s Madh-haab. Over the years, beginning 1993, Imam Yahya has continued to further his study of Islam by meeting, translating and traveling to scholars in Egypt & Hijaz & South East Asia. Throughout that time he has receive