Lizard People, Dear Readers

The Bees, by Laline Paull (LPDR 00002)



Peter, George, and Nathan discuss Laline Paull's award-winning 2014 novel THE BEES, a coming-of-age novel about a worker bee named Flora 717. Go read it; we'll wait. This episode contains extensive spoilers, so consider reading the book before listening. Or, since studies show that spoilers don't decrease the enjoyment we get from media, read the book after listening to the episode. You could do both at once but it'd probably get confusing. Episode 00004's book will be THE PERIPHERAL, by William Gibson, if you'd like to get a head start. If you have questions or comments for the LIzard People about The Bees, The Peripheral, or anything we've discussed so far, you can email us at or send it to our Ask box on our Tumblr, which is