Go Hunt Life

Ep63 Airstream, Camera and Family. All You Need for a Wandering Lifestyle – Joe Hendricks



Joe Hendricks is living the wandering lifestyle living out of an airstream and building his portfolio as a landscape photographer. Him and his wife and five year old son have been traveling the U.S. in an Airstream for the last year and a half.  Prior to this, they had a successful wedding photography business in Nashville a house and all the normal stuff when they went on a vacation visiting the National Parks out west. The switch flipped and hit Joe in his wandering heart.  He wanted to see the joy that he saw in his wife and son during that trip ALL of the time so within six months after returning to Nashville they had bought that Airstream, sold their house and everything in it, and they started their journey literally driving away from the closing on their house sale into their wandering lifestyle. "If you are considering this lifestyle, do it. It will change you forever." But it hasn't gone quite as planned. It's been a lot more difficult making a living as a photographer while on the road. Joe is compl