Go Hunt Life

Ep62 Exiled Himself from California to Explore the World 4 Months at a Time – Colin Wright



Colin Wright is an author, podcaster, speaker and full-time traveler that set out to explore the world 4 months at a time but to do this he had to exile himself from his lifestyle in California. For the last 8 years he’s traveled to 60 different countries and all of the lower 48 states and he’s done this in 4 month increments. He truly enjoys the uncomfortable situations that his chosen lifestyle puts him in. Another interesting point to this is that the places that he moves to are chosen by his readers. They vote on his next destination and that’s where he goes to explore the world. But back in 2009 he was running his own branding studio in LA, working a crazy amount of hours and making a ton of cash when he took a hard look at his mentors. His life path was following theirs and realized they were miserable so inside 4 months he completely transformed his world and got on a plane leaving the US for the first time in his life. Where did he go? His readers said Argentina so that’s where he began. In this episo