Go Hunt Life

Ep54 Former Special Agent Goes Off The Grid - Gary Collins



Gary Collins is a former Special Agent and he built a career in the military going to places around the globe where everyone hated him. The stress of the job, the bureaucracy of the government and the physical toll it was all taking on his body forced him to simply walk from his only career that he had ever known to save his own life and go off the grid. "They created the 40 hour work week because they realized that's about as much as they can get out of you before you snap." In the conversation we cover government corruption, pharmaceutical drug addiction, cashing out his retirement, and his pursuit of living a simpler and happier life. We also discuss his latest book Going Off The Grid which is his personal account of buying a small plot of land in the state of Washington and building a self-sustaining house that is in fact, off the grid. In this episode we cover... What its like being a career military guy and the pressure that he was under to perform. The tipping point in his health that forced him to mak