Go Hunt Life

E039 Arthritic & Obese at 54 Transforms to Ultra Distance Runner by 60 - Andrew Townsend



Andrew Townsend is 60 years old and he can outrun you and me but 6 years ago he couldn’t run a step. 6 years ago he was 70 pounds overweight, eating and drinking too much and bound to a desk. It had gotten so bad that he was labeled an ‘invalid’ because of his battle with arthritis. He had no one to blame but himself and how he had chosen to live his life up to that point so he made a choice to change. His life transformation started with one step. "I tried blaming everyone else but I had no one to blame but myself." This timeline is amazing. 2011 he couldn’t run a step and in 2016 he ran across the Spanish Pyrenees. They are the mountains in the Tour de France that look impossible. He ran over those for 525 miles from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean with an elevation change of 100,000 feet. Imagine climbing Mt Everest 4 times and he did it in 27 days. So obviously a lot changed from 2011 and we get into all of it. When we recorded this conversation he had just gotten back to his home in Reading Engla