Go Hunt Life

E034 Entrepreneur Lives Overseas on $500 a Month - Rachel Mazza



Rachel Mazza never wanted to be an employee. She has designed her digital marketing agency around her lifestyle and specializes in working with businesses to drive targeted traffic to their website through Search Engine Optimization tactics and Content Marketing. Her current lifestyle didn't just happen automatically. It started at her college graduation when she told her Dad... "Thanks for putting me through school but I don't think this job thing is for me." She tried to have real jobs in life and was working as a paralegal in Chicago but a friend asked her to move to Australia and help him start a nonprofit. Two years into her stay in Australia, she found herself working and normal sales job and that just didn't feel right. "I'm a location independent entrepreneur building a sustainable company." She ripcorded out of Australia with a friend and started building her freelance, side-hustle gig into a real business while also traveling and seeing the world. She's now been living abroad and building her own