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E031 Urban Farmer Quit Corporate Banking to Pursue Her Purpose – Alejandra Rodriguez Boughton



Urban Farmer Alejandra Rodriguez Boughton was climbing the corporate ladder in investment banking when she had the stark realization right after a promotion that she didn’t want her boss’s job or any of her boss’s jobs so she decided to quit and get her MBA but that didn’t solve her passion to pursue the road less traveled so a few weeks after she graduated, she began cultivating her dream of building an Urban Farm in Austin Texas and it all started, in her kitchen. “Spend time doing things that make time fly by in the best way.” We discuss her transition for a safe career and planned career path to being an entrepreneur starting a business that is completely reliant upon the help and camaradarie of other urban farmers. It’s a tight community of passionate people helping each other to build sustainable businesses that positively impact their local communities and the environment. In this episode we discuss… How she reached the stark realization of, “my heart was beckoning for the road less traveled.” At that