Preserving Your Bloom, With Iris Ruth Pastor

Ax the Diet Mindset, with Dr Nina Savelle-Rocklin



Imagine us sitting around your kitchen table chatting with people you’d like to get to know better - fascinating people with wisdom-packed, relevant stories and perspectives - all aimed at helping you live the life you crave. My first guest helps us do just that.  Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin is a Los Angeles based psychoanalyst who specializes in weight, food and body image issues and the author of the book Food For Thought. Dr. Nina, who treats adult patients only, shares her thoughts and observations on the importance of implementing an anti-diet mentality.  Dr. Nina emphasizes that people suffering with disordered eating patterns are not eating because they are physically hungry, but to satisfy emotional hungers. Rather than eating to fuel our bodies, she maintains, “we are eating for comfort, for distraction or to numb ourselves against difficult feelings.” Dieting is not the answer.  We can ax the diet mindset. We can reduce cravings and free ourselves of destructive behaviors and thought patterns. We can d