Jane Hamill | Podcast

A Breakthrough Year in Business - How Jackie Did It



"If you would have told me a year ago about everything I'd accomplish this last year, I would NOT have believed you... And the biggest thing is I just pushed myself. I pushed myself in any way, shape or form. Ohhhhh, it was so scary and gross, but I did it.  And now those things don't seem so bad, you know. You uplevel your  fear factor, and then you wonder - why was I even worried about that?" In the last 12 months, Jackie went from a full-time corporate fashion design to working full-time on her business, Dyetology.com. In this episode, she tells us the details of what she did to make this truly a BREAKTHROUGH year for her.  ...About making the hard decisions and doing things that were SO outside her comfort zone she felt like barfing. ...About finally getting consistent with marketing her clothing and accessories line and the difference it's made. ...How she was worried about "bothering" people with her marketing but now she's so over that. ...About doing craft shows and markets and SELLING THE CRAP out of