Mighty Mighty Marsten House

Season 1, Ep11: Mega Ran – Race Issues, E3 Convention, Gaming, Raising Children, FF7



Mega Ran is from Philadelphia and is best known for his love for video games. They even make their way into most of his music. Host Timothy Lawson and Mega Ran get into A LOT of different topics: How Mega Ran was introduced to hip hop How he became Mega Ran His creative process Charleston shooting Raising a child and being a teacher Which video game he wishes he was in If you put video games, the 80’s, hip-hop, soul music, jazz and standup comedy into a blender and hit “puree,” you’d have something close to The Mega Ran Experience. Be sure to join the conversation on Twitter using #MMMH11 and letting us know what you think of the interview! @TimLawson21 @MegaRan @MarstenHouse @LawsonEntertain