Environment China

Emergency Podcast! Expert Panel Dissects China's 2060 Carbon Neutral Shocker



We don't do this often, but in today's podcast we address some breaking news: President Xi Jinping's announcement that China will peak carbon emissions before 2030 and set a new goal of net-neutral carbon emissions by 2060. The speech, delivered remotely to the United Nations during Climate Week, caught energy and climate watchers by surprise.  In this mini-podcast, recorded less than 24 hours after the announcement, host Anders Hove gathered three top energy and climate experts (and long-time Beijing Energy Network speakers) for a short and rapid-fire panel discussion: Li Shuo is senior global policy analyst at Greenpeace East Asia.  Lauri Myllyvirta is lead analyst at the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air.  Kaare Sandholt is chief expert at the China National Renewable Energy Centre, at the NDRC Energy Research Institute.  To keep the show notes brief, here are the items mentioned or referenced by the guests: The China National Renewable Energy Centre's China Renewable Energy Outlook (full version