Unnatural 20's




Welcome to Salsneyland! A theme park full of fun, imagination, and slimy new friends! Get ready to hit all your favorite rides and join the party as we get attacked by tri-foam, live out a Nickolodeon dream, encourage an early stuntman career, fail to paint by numbers, challenge Zac Effron to a game of skate, send the unworthy to Deadbeat Island, start an aphorism cult, try not to eat our hands, take down a sport from the inside, make the best of a groundhog day situation with bubble wrap, discover our favorite sport, bring the glitter to the field, yeet the fam off a cliff, turn Books into a blanket, discover something fun from the Black Plague, use them coups, beat Mr. Baseball himself, and score big with cups.    Join in on the adventure by sending your quests to unnatural20s@gmail.com   Check out our bonus content on Patreon   Proud Member of the Scavengers Network